Frequently Asked Questions

How can I start working with you?

All Coaching partnerships begin with a complimentary consultation. As you explore the possibilities of Coaching it is important to find a Coach that you connect with and feel comfortable with. Before beginning your coaching package, we schedule a 60-90 minute Discovery Session. If we decide to proceed with ongoing coaching, there are options under “packages.”

How long does Coaching take?

The duration of coaching depends upon individual needs. Please consider at least a three-month commitment. Most of my clients work with me for 3-6 months. That time frame will allow us to establish a solid foundation, thoroughly identify your challenges and strengths, design and practice new strategies and habits, experience progress and create lasting change. My goal is to empower you, not enable you.

Do I need to have ADHD or a Diagnosis to work with you?

No, you do not need to be diagnosed with or have ADHD. Many people seek to work with a Coach for various reasons:

  • Struggle with executive functioning.
  • They are looking for unique insights and solutions that work for them.
  • They do not have a diagnosis yet, but suspect they have ADHD or someone in their personal or professional lives suspects they have ADHD.
  • Having tried multiple ways to manage their ADHD independently without long-term success and are tired of not “getting ahead.”
  • They are in “crisis” and overwhelmed, and at the end of their rope, they urgently want things to change in their lives.
  • Have a diagnosis, but it may not be an ADHD diagnosis.
  • Have “self-diagnosed” themselves by reading about ADHD online or through the experience of taking someone they love through the diagnostic process.
  • They are managing their ADHD well and want to move on to their next development level using ADHD coaching as support.
What happens if I don’t complete the coaching work?

If you don’t complete it, notice that you didn’t and let me know if you want to discuss it in our session. DO NOT be hard on yourself or feel you need to make excuses or apologize to me. I am your coach, not your teacher, therapist or parent. I am here to help you meet your goals and finally make the changes you want in your life.

What if I want to email/text you between sessions?

I encourage you to check in with me between appointments. It is my privilege to provide this extra level of service. I do ask that you save more involved coaching issues for our appointment, where we can work through them adequately. I will return all emails/texts as soon as possible.

Does ADHD Life Coaching Really Work?

99% of individuals and companies who hire a coach are “satisfied” or “very satisfied.” 96% would repeat the process. (ICF Global Coaching Client Study)

Virtual and in-person coaching are equally effective. (Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology)

A study published in the journal ADHD & Autism in 2020 found that ADHD coaching was effective in enhancing executive function skills among adults with ADHD.

What happens during the Coaching?

Mostly, this is up to you. Coaching is a process of making the changes you want, and I support you in staying focused and meeting your goals. There doesn’t need to be an intense effort to create noticeable results. Set the tone that best supports you. I will follow your lead. You will choose the direction, and I will support you through the process.

How do I make payment to you?

The payment process in 4 easy steps:

1. After our introductory consultation, I will share the coaching agreement for you to review.

2. The coaching agreement will give you the option to pick the package that suits you.

3. Once you have accepted and submitted the coaching agreement, you will receive a PDF copy and will be directed to the calendar link based on your selection on the coaching agreement.

4. After you have booked your initial session with me, you will automatically be directed to a Stripe hosted secure payment link. You can use any major credit card to make the payment.

How can I best prepare for my sessions?

This is a great question! Your coaching session is intended to be time-focused on you. I ask you to have an “agenda” in mind before the meeting—something you want to work on or create change around.

What happens if I miss a session?

If you will be more than ten minutes late, please text me and let me know you are running a bit behind. If you are more than 10 minutes late or miss an appointment without notice, you may need to forfeit the session, and you will be charged for that session. Rescheduling a late or missed session will be at my discretion.

What happens if I don’t get payment to you on time?

If your payment has not cleared by the date of our appointment, the coaching session will be cancelled, and you will be in jeopardy of forfeiting this appointment without a refund.

Are coaching services covered by insurance?

Insurance plans typically do not cover coaching. Out-of-pocket payment may be prohibitive for some people. To defray the cost of coaching services, consider working with the human resources department at your workplace. Employers have been known to cover the expense of coaching services for employees that have challenges at work related to their ADHD. Your employer may offer ADHD Workplace Accommodations and benefits that include coaching.

Clients may also be eligible to pay through their flexible spending accounts (FSAs) offered by their employers. FSAs are plans let you set aside pre-tax dollars for healthcare expenses not covered by your insurance (glasses, acupuncture, etc.) You can talk with your employer about setting up an account.

USA Funding Grants are another possible source of financial assistance with coaching.

Payment plans are available for all coaching packages.

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